50/50 Cash & Charity

Congratulations to Craig Troup

Winning Ticket(s): 26270


Winner Drawn on: February 11, 2022

View Draw here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=4963102340419428

Congratulations to Craig Troup who won the 50/50 competition.

100% of the ticket sales were paid out on this one.

For simplicity, we rounded the pot up to £1500.

Craig wins £750 Cash and another £750 to pledge to charity.

He is running the London Marathon in October to raise money for Marie Curie.

We are delighted to be able to assist Craig’s fundraising efforts and also to help Marie Curie.

Craig couldn’t take time out from his preparation for his Winner’s pic so we got one in full flight!!!!

Thanks to all who joined us for the live and bought the tickets.

See you soon!

Gavin & John

Thank you message from Craig Troup

Thank you very much for your donation. It really means a lot to me and to Marie Curie.

Craig Troup

Thank you message from Marie Curie
Thank you so much for your generous donation to Marie Curie. Thanks to supporters like you, every minute of every day someone with cancer or a terminal illness is cared for by a Marie Curie Nurse.The support we received meant that last year, we were able to care for over 40,000 people free of charge in their homes and at our hospices.