£1,000 Bonus Draw

Congratulations to Billy Meldrum

Winning Ticket(s): 12081

£1,000 Bonus Draw

Winner Drawn on: October 28, 2022

View Draw here: https://www.facebook.com/lawrenceofkemnay1/videos/441069081495921

If ever there was an example of why you should read your emails, notifications and texts!

We added an EXTRA £1,000 Bonus Cash Draw to the A5 Quattro competition.

EVERYONE entered in the A5 went into a FREE bonus draw to WIN £1,000.

The random number generator picked #12081

Everyone was given a number from 10,001 to 16,383 as we didn’t want to jinx their ticket for later🤷‍♀️

The WINNER was Billy Meldrum.

Who knew nothing about the BONUS DRAW🤣🤣

Not a bad way to start the weekend with a call like that just after 6pm on a Friday.

Well done to Billy.

Great fun🥳
